If only it were that easy.
Scouters -we no longer use the term Leaders under Scouts Canada- are the organizers and/or facilitators of all our programming.
A Scouter is a volunteer, be it a parent, family member, experienced Venturer or Rover or just some enthusiastic about our program.
We have numerous roles. Council Members such as Commissioner, Treasurer and Registrar. Section Scouters working together in running the weekly programming and camps. Trained Instructors for specific activities such as Archery, Canoeing and First Aid. Event coordinators for specific group-wide and large events such as fundraisers, family events and Jamborees.
It's for the youth, for our own part of the adventure, but most of all for the fun of it.
Our group covers any basic training cost and where possible specialty training. Our scouters themselves are there to assist and train those wanting to be part of our team.
Interested in joining our team in any role? Contact us at admin@191dragons.ca or talk to one of the Scouters at any section's weekly meeting for more information.
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